Creative Convalescence
I’ve been AWOL lately and perhaps even by my own volition. It’s been a crazy few weeks and I haven’t even had time to think, let alone to decide what I wanted to share with you. In any case, it’s about that time, so let’s get started, shall we?
My first novel, The Place We Went To Yesterday, is complete! Well, at least the writing is done. I hit my target of ~80,000 words, which I hear is a respectable length. Now the real work begins – editing and eventually, submissions for publication. We’ll see how it goes but I’m not averse to self-publishing. I hear It’s all the rage and with some elbow grease devoted to marketing, it’s a good option.
I’ve got the outline done for it’s yet unnamed sequel and the writing will be in full swing once the first novel is out for editing. I wish there were adequate words to describe the feelings involved here, but there aren’t. These novels are dear to me and extremely personal despite them being mostly fiction.
I leave this weekend for DC in the hopes to simply sit on The National Mall and write write write write. A picnic is certainly in order, but the laptop won’t be far away.
In other news, I have another photo shoot coming up in early May so stay tuned for those photos. To my chagrin, I’ve been ignoring both my own photography and poetry but I promise to get back to them soon.
Last, but not least, we’ve been working on some new music and are considering re-recording “Love Songs for Anarchists” as a fully acoustic album. Keep your ears open for that because the only thing I can give away is that it’s awesome! I’m so fortunate to work with an amazing and encouraging songwriter/singer and I love being a backup vocalist because there’s just so much less pressure.
There are so many positive things happening in this realm that it’s hard to contain it all!