90 Days
Wow, there’s been crickets here lately, huh? I promise you that the silence has been neither intentional nor without good reason. I’ve spent the last few months getting adjusted to a new job, staring at two manuscripts in progress without …
Wow, there’s been crickets here lately, huh? I promise you that the silence has been neither intentional nor without good reason. I’ve spent the last few months getting adjusted to a new job, staring at two manuscripts in progress without …
Dear Scale, I know I keep you tucked between the bathtub and the side of the toilet. I know it’s not the nicest location, but it’s quiet and out of the way. For years, I’ve religiously pulled you out of …
Earlier last month – July 5th, to be exact – marked the three year anniversary since my weight loss surgery. I remember the days of looking at a one ounce serving and scoffing at the size and then making myself …